Where in the World is Joe Mangan???

march 5, 2008 update: here is a cached link to Joe Mangan’s old web page:


There is a new french documentary on whisteblowers that has an interview with Joe Mangan in it. See the comments for more  information.

Original article:

Does anyone know how to reach Joe? I have tried everything and have been unable to make contact.

I was looking up a friend that I have somehow lost contact with. I knew Joe in Kansas City because we went to church together. We also went to air shows and talked about air planes, God, and software development. Joe lived a very adventurous life. The last time I talked to him, he told me how he almost died on the top of Long’s Peak in the Rocky Mountains during a thunderstorm.  His encouragement and mentoring is one of the main reasons that I moved from Kansas City to Pennsylvania to work as a computer programmer at my current job, ten years ago. Well, now it sounds like he is in trouble for whistle blowing on the safety of a component on the Airbus A380 jetliner:



Here is a wikipedia article about him:


I tried to email him, but his mail folder was overflowing and most of the information I could find on the web is over a year old! I am hoping to make contact with him and find out what is going on now. 


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15 responses to “Where in the World is Joe Mangan???

  1. Christopher Brooks

    I’m looking for an update on the Joseph Mangan story so that I can update the Airbus A380 wiki page. Do you have any recent citable articles on his current situation?

  2. Here is an account of the first media flight in the A380 – the very first thing that happened after take off was that the oxygen masks did not deploy properly. According to http://www.bizbuzzmedia.com/blogs/flight_international/archive/2007/02/07/6878.aspx
    (February 7, 2007)

    “We lift off and half a dozen oxygen masks promptly deploy – this particular aircraft is pretty ragged round the edges, and nobody’s much surprised. There are a couple of flight engineers on board and eventually everything gets stowed.

    in one of the final safey tests, 33 people were injured, including a broken leg, but the aircraft still managed to pass the evacuation test:

    (March 27, 2006)

    Here is the latest article that I could find that mentions Joe.

    (October 19, 2005)

    I know Joe – he is one of the smartest people I have ever met – and if he says the aircraft is unsafe – it is unsafe.

  3. The horrible, horrible plane crash in Brazil was an airbus 320, not a 380. It looks like the short, slippery runway, at the overcrowded airport was the problem. Praying for Joe … praying for the families of flight 3054.



  4. Pingback: Is the Airbus A380 safe? « To the Moon

  5. found here: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2005/10/potential_airbu.html#c202821

    I am very close to the aviation industry, and I can say with absolute fact that there is a slight flaw in the control chip and fly-by wire flight control system in the Airbus planes. Airbus planes are almost too smart to be flown by a pilot. If the plane feels as though the pilot should be doing something differently, the plane will take over. For example if the pilot tries to lose altitude quickly in an emergency, the plane may feel as though there is no need in the emergency decent, the plane will actually pitch up. The only flaw I see in Airbus is the fact that they need an override switch so the pilot truly is the pilot in command.

    Posted by: Ender at September 19, 2007 08:50 AM

  6. JEANGUY78

    March 4 2008 Disponibility film — Du côté des “anges” — disponibility a week in french, then in vod. Possibily other name in german (Arte is a Franco/german TV)?
    One of the whistleblowers presented is action and suites in the 53 minutes film is JOE (Joseph) MANGAN from TTT now living in Austria.

    arte TV documentaire du côté des “anges” date: 4 mars 2008 21h .
    Du côté des “anges” :: D’Enron à Airbus en passant par Veolia, ces justiciers modernes ont choisi de révéler secrets frauduleux ou négligences graves, en interne ou au public, à leurs risques et périls. Dire la vérité a toujours un prix. Un prix pour qui l’entend, pour qui la dit et… pour qui la cache. …s’appelle un whistleblower, celui qui donne l’alerte. Mathieu Verboud est allé à la rencontre de justiciers modernes qui ont tout tenté pour prévenir leur hiérarchie des dysfonctionnements dont ils étaient témoins, avant de décider de passer à l’attaque…
    (France, 2007, 53mn) ARTE F Réalisateur: Jean Robert Viallet, Mathieu Verboud

    No traces of Mangan 3? sites mentioned under, nor in google cache??::
    Schneier on Security: Potential Airbus Flaw and Coverup
    Check http://www.josephmangan.com and http://www.josephmangan.name http://www.joe-mangan.com for the addresses of …. E-mail is optional and will not be displayed on the site. …
    http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/ 2005/10/potential_airbu.html – 86k – Cached – Similar pages
    See the blog of Arte TV ?? Do you have traces f site of Mangan??

    • well found your question. I am in contact with Joe weekly and he is doing well along with family. I changed my Facebook e-mail connection and was trying to find him again to load as friend again and came across your question, Have you made contact yet from 2008? if not contact me on 55ce.wien@gmail.com.

  7. try this one:


    Thank you so much for this update! I will update Joe’s wikipedia article with this link. I doubt very much that this french TV documentary that includes Joe Mangan will come to a multiplex near me – so if anyone can give an english synopsis of what’s on the video and whether it tells anything about Joe’s situation in 2007, 2008 I would appreciate that! A lot of Joe’s old friends are praying for him and his family.

  8. Dick Johnson

    Joe Mangan sighting: Joe attended the Sept. 2007 meeting of the SC-205 committee in Vienna. He was no longer with TTTech, but listed his company as Coanda Aerospace GmbH.

  9. Thank you for the siting!

  10. Barbara Hall

    I met Joe one year ago when he was working on contract with OSCE.
    He is no longer there-that I know. I have no idea where he is now.
    I suspect he is still living in Vienna, as he had mentioned often how much he loved it.
    The Wikipedia entry is completely false.
    When I was in Vienna last year, I heard that he had taken to and won his case in the Austrian Supreme Court.
    I might try the Viennese yellow pages.

    • Barbara,

      I alm so glad to know that Joe is not hanging by his thumbs in some dungeon under an Austrian castle! 🙂 It sounds like justice prevailed. Thank you for the siting! We will look for him in Vienna instead of Canada!

  11. A Great blog post, I will be sure to bookmark this post in my Reddit account. Have a good evening.

  12. Pingback: Joe mangan | Marcpilkington

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