Monthly Archives: August 2009

Summer Update

Here is a quick update on my life:

Gretchen has stomach pains and we are trying to track it down so she has been going to the doctor lots and lots. We spent last Wednesday night in the Emergency Room until 2AM – and it was awful. They sent us home, telling us she did not have appendicitis. So, tomorrow she is having her gall bladder sonagrammed to see if she has gall stones, and on Tuesday she is going to have a camera put down her throat so they can see her stomach better. 

My son Ben is at Refreshing Mountain at a summer camp thing with our church. He comes back Tuesday. So, Gretchen and I are empty nesters until then! 

On Tuesday, Deborah is moving in with us. She is a missionary nurse coming back from Sudan. She is full of incredibly adventurous and heart-wrenching stories. 

I am going to visit Lawrence KS at the end of the month – back to my home town – to celebrate my 30th high school graduation. I will be staying in Lawrence the next week (until Sept 3), so if anybody wants to see me or invite me to their church please contact me.

Some of the adventures I have had this summer: helping Sam and Katie move to a new apartment in Brooklyn, NY. – it has a backyard with a tree in it! I went to see Bob Dylan in Allentown with Ben. I spent a day hiking in the woods by myself. I saw David Byrne at the Mann. We had a terrific house guest – a brilliant photographer, guitarist, and computer programmer, from Rome, Italy. We took him to the beach. Fireworks in Miller Park. Spencer and Hannah came and we had a home concert that was tremendous. We saw Don Quixote in Philadelphia, and Doubt at People’s Light. We went to Hershey Park and the Turks Head music festival. We saw Back To The Future at the guerilla drive in, on the top of the parking lot in West Chester, so it has been a great summer so far!


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